Arts, Science, Local and Indigenous Knowledge (ArtSLInK) is a collaborative platform founded in 2019 by scholars and artists. Its mission is to develop and promote the convergence of diverse knowledge systems, including Arts, Science, and Local and Indigenous Knowledge. ArtSLInK emphasizes synchronous, equitable, and co-productive engagement across the social and natural sciences, the arts, and place-based local and Indigenous knowledge systems, each with unique exploration and expression modes. Elements of this approach have been applied in several projects showcased at various exhibitions. More about ArtSLInK at
ArtSLInK collaborative projects:
NNA Research: Collaborative Research: Frozen Commons: Change, Resilience and Sustainability in the Arctic (NSF, # 2127364)
Informal Roads: The Impact of Unofficial Transportation Routes on Remote Arctic Communities” supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF, #1748092)
Building Socio-Ecological Resilience through Urban Green, Blue and White Space (SERUS)
ERC Advanced Grant Project InfraNorth – Building Arctic Futures: Transport Infrastructures and Sustainable Northern Communities (PROJECT-ID: 885646)
The ArtSLInK team participates in various projects and activities, including conferences, field studies, and exhibitions.
MUST Field Studies: 2022 Lulea, Sweden and 2023 Yellowknife, Canada
Exhibitions: “Martian Taiga” (Tromsø, 2022, online version), “Arctic InfraScapes” (Vienna, Austria, 2023), “Arctic StoryWords: Weaving Different Ways of Knowing through Arts, Science, Local and Indigenous Knowledge” (Washington DC, USA, 2024), “Arctic StoryWorlds: Frozen Matters” (Bodø, Norway, 2024)